Time & LocationSundays - 10:00 AM
Enver Creek Secondary School 14505 84 Ave Surrey, BC |
Our services always feature worship music and a relevant message taught from the Bible in everyday language. It runs from 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM. Even if you have never been to church before, we strive to make it so you can easily learn about God and what it means to have a relationship with Him.
is there anything for kids?
We have a Sunday School class for children aged 1-4 and another for children in Kindergarten - Grade 5. We have found that kids love the music during our service, so we have them stay with us for the first part of the service. After that you'll be given time to walk with your kids to check them into classes where properly screened and trained leaders will help your children enjoy a lesson, music, crafts, and more - all geared towards their specific age.
do i need to dress up?
Not at all. Wear what is comfortable for you, you won't be out of place in casual clothes.
do i need to bring anything?
There is nothing at all that you are required to bring. You won't be put in a situation of awkwardly making a donation. If you have a Bible or a Bible App, you're encouraged to bring it along. If you don't, not to worry! We've got plenty available for you to use (and to take home for free if you'd like).
what happens after the service?
After the service we've got cookies and coffee waiting for you in the lobby. We have an info table and we'd encourage you to pop by to pick up information about what is happening at Redemption and so we can give you a small gift to help in your spiritual journey as a special “thank you” for visiting us.
A church family serving our community and the world, so all people find new life in Christ as we grow in loving God wholeheartedly and inspire others to do the same. |